COCCA, which runs the backend for over 30 ccTLDs, issued a clarification last week about its registry software. You can read it below, but the key takeaway is that:
- COCCA is 100% open source
- Minds and Machines has no control over COCCA
- Any developments made to COCCA were done without Minds and Machines
Here’s the statement:
Public Notice, Clarification: 2011-07-15
Comments attributed to the CEO of Minds and Machines LLC (“M+M”) in a July 12th on-line interview have led to some confusion regarding the relationship between CoCCA and M+M and our respective registry systems. CoCCA wishes M+M well in their commercial pursuits however CoCCA is compelled to clarify the relationship where representations have resulted in public confusion.
CoCCA is not under contract to develop a proprietary “espresso” registry system for M+M’s exclusive use, if you have questions regarding the espresso registry system please contact M+M. We are not privy to any of the details surrounding M+M’s espresso project – CoCCA is not involved in espresso development. We understand however that M+M has for several years intended to develop espresso as a gTLD fork of the CoCCA software. This is permissible under the open source license, we have formally blessed the initiative and are pleased by this display of confidence in our technology.
CoCCA Registry Services Limited is a privately owned company, neither Minds and Machines LLC of Santa Monica California (M+M) nor their parent company Top Level Domain Holdings Ltd. of London (TLDH) are investors or shareholders. Neither M+M nor TLDH author, own, distribute or license the CoCCA software. CoCCA and M+M are not collaborating on technical, marketing or policy matters and do not share co-location facilities.
Development of the CoCCA platform since the suspension of the gTLD program has not been the result of an M+M – CoCCA collaborative effort ( as has been suggested ) the significant software development undertaken during the past two years was not commissioned or funded by M+M. Nor is M+M funding current development or work on our pamoja platform. The CoCCA Tools software is open source and M+M is free to use the latest version to develop espresso – or to simply call it espresso as would seem to be the current case.
Throughout the near two year ICANN delay CoCCA has continued to develop and improve our software, engage in capacity building in developing counties and build the CoCCA brand – without input or funding from M+M. CoCCA’s current registry system has been selected to manage critical infrastructure in over 35 countries including many developing and post-conflict countries.
Continuous evolution of the platform is essential to the stability and security of the internet in countries where it has been deployed. CoCCA’s software development is user – funded and not reliant on, or driven by, ICANN’s gTLD program or M+M’s proposed commercial activities in the gTLD space.
The results of our efforts, the “CoCCA Tools” software, remain available to the internet community under an open source license.
CoCCA’s commercial model is “try it, if it saves you money (or makes you money) buy the optional Support Subscription”. It is the most widely deployed registry solution in use today. It powers both ASCII TLDs and three of the new Arabic IDN Top Level Domains.
While the latest software meets the needs of all our existing ccTLD users, full gTLD compliance will necessitate deployment of our “pamoja” platform and the purchase gTLD plug-in modules developed by CoCCA and other parties.
About CoCCA Tools:
CoCCA Tools is a widely used open source registry system. It is free to use and has been in development / used for over a decade.
Commercial support is available with a subscription. However, unlike Pamoja, CoCCA does not meet all the requirements for new gTLDs.
About espresso:
Ask Minds and Machines for further information.
About Pamoja: – pamoja is Swahili for “together”
Pamoja is COCCA’s next generation registry system. Supports plug-ins developed by ourselves and others – several of which will ensure compliance with the new gTLD standards.
Garth Miller
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