DNS Belgium, who run the Belgian country code domain name registry (.be), have opened a call for applications to their registrar forum. The forum gives the registry an opportunity to present upcoming or proposed changes to their processes and policies and get feedback from their channel partners. In the current climate with a growing number of regulations impacting domains, … [Read more...] about DNS Belgium Opens Call for Registrar Forum
ICANN 82 Seattle Full Schedule Available
The full schedule for the upcoming ICANN meeting in Seattle is now available. ICANN 82 will run from March 8th to March 13th in the Hyatt Regency Seattle. This will be the first of 2025's public meetings, with the summer one being held in Prague in June and the AGM slated for Muscat, Oman in October. As they've been doing for the last couple of years, there will be a … [Read more...] about ICANN 82 Seattle Full Schedule Available
RIPE Chair and Vice Chair Nominations Open
RIPE's NomCom has formally opened the call for nominations for the positions of RIPE Chair and Vice Chair. The essence of the role is summarised in a single sentence: "The RIPE chair ensures that the RIPE community functions well." While RIPE 714 does elaborate more on that concept, it is the core of the role. Full details about the application process, as well as … [Read more...] about RIPE Chair and Vice Chair Nominations Open
Want to Serve on an ICANN Board or Council?
ICANN, in common with several other organisations, uses a number of different methods when choosing people for various boards, councils and committees. One route is via the Nomcom ie. a nominating committee. This year's application window is now open and there is a good range of positions open: The ICANN Board seats are the only ones that have any kind of salary, while … [Read more...] about Want to Serve on an ICANN Board or Council?
Irish Government Opens Consultation on .ie Country Code Domain
The Irish government has opened a very broad ranging consultation on the .ie country code domain and its future. The consultation will be open to the public from now until 14th February 2025. The consultation document runs to 17 pages, so while it's quite long, it's not as long as it could be! The Government has some clear expectations about what it expects from the … [Read more...] about Irish Government Opens Consultation on .ie Country Code Domain
European Commission Opens Call For Experts to Help Govern .EU
The European Commission has opened a call for experts to join the Multistakeholder Advisory Group on the .eu top-level domain. The .eu domain name is, in some respects, a bit of an oddity. It is operated under a contract to the European Commission and a lot of its overarching principles flow from the European Commission. While that might make it sound like it'd be very … [Read more...] about European Commission Opens Call For Experts to Help Govern .EU
NamesCon & CloudFest USA Head to Miami
NamesCon and CloudFest USA will be changing location for 2025. The new location is Miami, Florida, which is a fairly popular location for conferences. While previous years Namescon took place quite early in the year or during the summer, this time round the event is being held in early November, with the event scheduled to take place on November 5th and 6th in Ice … [Read more...] about NamesCon & CloudFest USA Head to Miami
Hello Registry Picks up Automattic’s DotBlog
At the recent ICANN meeting in Istanbul CIRA and SIDN unveiled the new name and brand for their cloud based domain registry backend service: "Hello Registry". Up until then the CIRA backend was known as "Fury" and had been chosen by a few country code managers and some gTLD types, including .ie, as their backend. A few months ago CIRA and SIDN announced a partnership to … [Read more...] about Hello Registry Picks up Automattic’s DotBlog
ICANN Chooses Oman for 2025 AGM
ICANN 84, which is also the 2025 AGM, will be held in Muscat, Oman. The organisation holds three public meetings every year and generally rotates them through the geographic regions. ICANN has held public meetings in the middle east in the past, with ICANN 60 being held in Abu Dhabi back in 2017. The event will take place from 25–30 October 2025 at the Oman Convention … [Read more...] about ICANN Chooses Oman for 2025 AGM
ICANN Chooses Vietnam for 2025 Events
ICANN has chosen Hanoi, Vietnam as the location for a number of events in 2025. The 2025 edition of the Contracted Parties Summit will be held in Hanoi from May 5th - 7th 2025. The same week will see the APAC DNS Forum being held as well as a "Universal Acceptance" event on 8th and 9th of May. As of right now there are no details on venue or schedule. Full details … [Read more...] about ICANN Chooses Vietnam for 2025 Events