Comreg Finally Publish IEDR Report

Although it’s several months later than announced, Comreg (Irish Communications Regulator), has finally published its report on the consultation of IEDR and the IE ccTLD.

The regulator published a press release (below) as well as all submissions received and the consultation conclusions based on the submissions.

The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) has today published its
Response to Consultation on a new framework for the regulation and management of .ie,
Ireland’s Top Level Domain (TLD), which is part of the Internet’s global Domain Name
Under the Communications Regulation (Amendment) Act 2007, ComReg is responsible
for making regulations to ensure the effective management and administration of .ie in the
best interests of Irish consumers who use this national resource. The .ie domain is
currently managed by IE Domain Registry Ltd. (IEDR).
In June 2008, ComReg consulted on a wide range of issues and simultaneously conducted
a comprehensive independent review and due diligence analysis of IEDR’s activities. The
Response to Consultation now describes the outcome of that process and outlines
ComReg’s conclusions and decisions on a suitable regulatory framework for the .ie
domain. The main points are:
– ComReg will, by way of regulation, appoint IEDR as the authority authorised to
register .ie domain names in accordance with Section 32(4)(a) of the Act of 2007,
– IEDR will set up and maintain a Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) representative of
all stakeholders with a focus on more transparent policy development,
– IEDR will continue to adopt the “managed approach” to .ie registrations to ensure
continued protection for .ie domain name holders and consumers,
– ComReg will implement a monitoring framework and will participate in the PAC to
keep abreast of activities in the marketplace,
– Further regulatory measures may be considered in the future, as warranted.
The Response to Consultation (ComReg Document 09/01) and the full Consultation Paper
(ComReg Document 08/48) are now available on

What still has not been disclosed is the external consultants’ report which was presented over a year ago.

I will followup with more in depth analysis of the final document, but due to its nature I need to read it carefully.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the podcast.


  1. I can think of several very good reasons why it isn’t public knowledge and why it shouldn’t be.

    Apart from anything else most people will look at a flat figure without understanding the true cost of a registration.

    It doesn’t matter if it was 20 euro , 50 euro or 5 euro *on paper* it would always be significantly more once you factor in the admistrative overhead, a factor that most people conveniently ignore


  2. That is why it is called a ‘wholesale’ price. I cannot understand why it is a big secret. eircom has to publish a wholesale price list and it doesn’t result in widespread confusion. Why shouldn’t IE Domain Registry publish a wholesale price?

  3. Antoin

    And Comreg would be wrong..

    And as I already said the wholesale rate does not in anyway indicate the actual cost.

    It does with a fully automated registry, such as Nominet, Eurid etc., but if you are dealing with a manual registry like IEDR the staff / manhour overhead is significant


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