One of the things that I love about the guys at dotMobi is their tireless work to promote the mobile internet.
Their latest move is the release of the WordPress Mobile Pack which is probably the most comprehensive suite of tools to render a CMS powered site “mobile ready” (put another way, it makes mobifying your site dead easy).
So what is included?
Looking at the release notes it’s pretty overwhelming:
* Mobile switcher to detect mobile visitors and provide an appropriate experience
* Base mobile theme for quick-and-easy XHTML-MP compliance
* Extended mobile themes so you can unleash your mobile creativity
* Transcoding and device adaptation to optimise the mobile experience
* DeviceAtlas integration for world-class adaptation
* Mobile admin panel for when posts can’t wait
* Mobile ad widget to make you some money (choose between admob or Google adsense)
* Barcode widget to help users bookmark your blog
The only thing it doesn’t do is write your content for you!
Of course this is only the first iteration, so expect to see even more features (and goodies) in future releases
Nice work dotMobi!
I love it! That is way cool man! The steps weren’t that complicated too, which is great.