ICANN Site Revamp Unveiled

ICANN‘s website contains a LOT of information. Some of it is useful, some of it is fascinating, but it’s all valuable (to someone)
The problem with the current site is that has grown so much over time that it is practically unusable. Unless you spend a silly amount of time using it (and I do!) it’s nigh on impossible to find anything. Even when you spend a lot of time using the site you may still find yourself going round and round in circles trying to find information that you know exists (or does it??, maybe you were simply imagining it?)
So a few months ago ICANN started a process of revamping the site.

They’ve published some of the screenshots and background studies that led them to to this change on their blog.

So how does it look?

Crisp and fresh are words that spring to mind.

When will we get to see it?

That, unfortunately, is the BIG question and with the upcoming departure of Kieren McCarthy you’d have to wonder if the organisation will have the energy and impetus to forge ahead with such a dramatic change. Yes, it is needed, but whether or not Kieren’s replacement(s) will have the same drive and devotion remains to be seen.
I for one hope that they do manage to “get it together”, but I won’t hold my breath. Don’t get me wrong – a lot of ICANN staff would welcome a new and more usable site, but you need someone with energy and drive to ensure that it happens.

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the Technology.ie podcast.

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