Where Is ICANN’s New CEO?

On Monday June 25th, as part of the Prague ICANN meeting, there is a slot on the schedule for the “CEO Farewell Reception”.

Rod Beckstrom will be leaving ICANN.

This is not news. It was announced (via Twitter) several months ago.

What is “news” is more correctly the lack of it ie. the naming of the new CEO.

ICANN has not announced who will be replacing Rod Beckstrom.

So in about 3 weeks time ICANN will have to have a new CEO, but they haven’t announced who it will be.

There hasn’t even been a decent rumour about who will fill the role!

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the Technology.ie podcast.


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