The Registrar Stakeholder Group has issued a statement on the RAA negotiations this evening. This is in response to the text and documents released by ICANN a couple of weeks ago.
Statement from the Registrar Stakeholder Group
The Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) would like to provide this statement regarding the current status of RAA negotiations and the update posted on the ICANN website on June 4, 2012.
The RrSG and its representatives on the Negotiating Team (NT) have been actively involved in discussions with ICANN staff and is pleased to see substantive progress reported to the community in advance of the upcoming ICANN meeting in Prague.
Among the issues that have been agreed to include improved registrar response and availability to law enforcement, registrar abuse point of contact, publication of registrar information, establishment of an ICANN accreditation for privacy/proxy service as well as many other important issues which have been identified both by law enforcement and the greater community.
As ICANN points out in the documents recently released, several issues remain outstanding including:
– Whois verification/validation
– Data retention
– Future RAA amendments process
– Registrar obligations to support certain technologies which today are optional– Port 43 whois access for thick registries
The RrSG fully agrees that several of the open items require input and discussion from the broader community as they contemplate significant changes to the domain name ecosystem as it exists today, and will impact the expansion of the Internet to new users and new regions of the world. We believe the upcoming meeting in Prague will provide an excellent venue for initiating these discussions and the RrSG looks forward to participating in those conversations.
Attached to this statement (or provided shortly thereafter) is the RrSG’s specific comments and/or proposed language to many of the issues which remain open at this time.
We would like to thank ICANN staff for their ongoing participation in this effort and the RrSG looks forward to continued discussions as we move toward completion of a new RAA
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