Dublin To Host ICANN’s 54th Public Meeting

ICANN has formally announced that Dublin will be the host for the 54th ICANN meeting taking place in October 2015.

Dublin has previously played host to both RIPE and IETF meetings. It is also the venue for Web Summit (now known as The Summit) , which attracts several thousand attendees.

A growing number of domain registries are based in Ireland’s capital city. While some might be using Ireland’s tax regime, others have setup significant operations in the city.

At present there are, that I know of, the following companies:

  • Afilias, based in the centre of the city at the IFSC. Afilias have had an Irish corporate entity for years, but only started staffing their Dublin offices after their acquisition of .mobi and GoMobi
  • IEDR, the company that runs Ireland’s ccTLD.
  • Rightside Registry
  • Starting Dot
  • Minds & Machines
  • Dot Global
  • TLD Registry Ltd

As I’m Irish and involved in the industry over here it would be rather disingenuous of me to claim that I didn’t know about the bid to host the meeting. The host organisation for the meeting is Ireland’s neutral exchange (INEX) and the venue is central, though I’ll leave it to them to announce more details.

With Ireland’s network infrastructure attendees shouldn’t have any issues with connectivity either at the venue or at any of the major hotels around the city.

There are direct flights to Dublin from most European cities and the US east coast (Aer Lingus operates to San Francisco as well), so while it may not be a hub it’s very close to several. London is about an hour’s flight away, Paris is about 2 hours, Amsterdam about 2 hours and Frankfurt around 3 hours.


UPDATE: Barry Rhodes, INEX CEO, has shared details of the meeting with INEX members, so I can share more details as well 🙂

The venue for the Dublin meeting is The Convention Centre, Dublin. You can learn more about the venue’s facilities on their site or watch the video below:


Details on the gala haven’t been released yet, but apparently IEDR have come onboard as one of the sponsors.



By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the Technology.ie podcast.


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