IE Tops 200k Registrations & Release First Domain Profile Report

IEDR, who run the .ie ccTLD, have produced their first “Domain Profile Report”. The report’s publication comes as the registry reports surpassing the 200 thousand domain names mark. The milestone was reached earlier this year, though IEDR are only focussing on it now.

The new report breaks down registrations by location and type of registrant, as well as exploring which registrars and their location account for registrations.

IEDR had previously included some of this data in their annual report, but this is the first time that they’ve produced a report specifically examining the zone and its registrants.

IEDR’s CEO, David Curtin, is understandably pleased with the milestone:

The number marks the extent to which all aspects of Irish life – individuals, communities and businesses – have migrated online. Behind the 200,000 .ie domain names are thousands of Irish-based websites, encompassing all areas of life in Ireland today.

For all those with a registered .ie domain name, the registry ensures that the registrants’ websites are identifiably Irish and that they have a real and substantive connection to Ireland. For businesses this can be a critical marketing and branding tool in promoting their companies.

The strong surge in the number of .ie domain names registered is also hugely encouraging. It reflects the wider economic recovery in Ireland and acts as a barometer of the growth in new businesses and in businesses going online to drive sales and expansion


They’ve also produced a graphic to help visualise the data:

Here’s the full report:

[spiderpowa-pdf src=””]ie Domain Profile Report July 2015


By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the podcast.

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