IEDR Policy Advisory Committee Election Results

The IEDR’s Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) was setup back in 2015. It’s made up of representatives from the registrar channel and various stakeholder groups of Irish business and society including the Irish Internet Association, The ISP Association of Ireland, The Irish Computer Society, the Irish government and others. (See PDF)

For the registrars there are four seats, which were allotted as follows:

  • Blacknight – Michele Neylon (me!)
  • Hosting Ireland – Jonathan Bate
  • Irish Domains – Conor Moran
  • Register 365 – Kelly Salter

Towards the end of last year it was decided that it was time to refresh the mandate of the registrar representatives, so an election was held over the last couple of weeks. There were only 4 candidates for the 4 positions, so it was more of an “affirmation” than an actual competitive election.

IEDR formally announced the results of the election this week:

  • Michele Neylon (Blacknight) 33 votes
  • Kelly Salter (Dada Group / Register 365) 24 votes
  • Ciaran Morris (FCR Media) 24 votes
  • Prudence Malinki (Mark Monitor) 24 votes

The PAC will be publishing its annual report for 2018 in the next few weeks which will give a summary of the group’s work over the past year.

Disclosure: Obviously this post is about something I’m personally involved with

By Michele Neylon

Michele is founder and managing director of Irish domain registrar and hosting company Blacknight. Michele has been deeply involved in domain and internet policy discussions for more than a decade. He also co-hosts the podcast.

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