ICANN holds three meetings a year and usually rotates them by geographic region.
This year’s meetings are being held in Mexico, USA and Germany, which means that North America gets two meetings, while Latin America and Caribbean, Asia etc all got none.
Next year, however, things will change a little with the organisation holding its June meeting in Kigali, Rwanda.
June 10 – 13 2024
Kigali Convention Centre.
Which meeting?
This will be what ICANN calls its “policy forum” which is generally a policy focussed meeting without a lot of the pomp that comes with the AGM. It’ll be ICANN’s 80th public meeting.
The last time ICANN held a meeting in Africa was back in 2019 in Johannesburg, South Africa.
ICANN meetings are free to attend, though registration is obligatory.
As was pointed out to me by an African friend, “Summer” varies depending on where you are in the world. While June is summer in the northern hemisphere it isn’t in the southern one.