Telnic, the .tel registry, have informed registrars that the wholesale rate for .tel domain names will be increased by $1 per year from $8 / year to $9/year effective December 1 2013.
How are they justifying such a hefty price increase?
This increase takes into account inflation rates and the continuing maintenance, development and provision of the Community Telhosting Platform to all .tel accredited registrars at no cost, which in turn enables you to provide a complete solution to those customers wishing to publish information to the DNS without incurring your own costs.
It’s an odd rationale, as the .tel basically force all registrars and registrants to use their platform due to the limitations and restrictions on how you can use a .tel domain name.
Demand for .tel domain names hasn’t been exactly stellar with total registrations in June (when the last report was published by ICANN) standing at under 200 thousand and dropping.
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