Irish domain name registrar and hosting provider Blacknight is pushing discounted .me domain names as an alternative to the more traditional Father's Day gifts. Blacknight ( are helping to make your Father’s Day a success by offering .Me domains at €4.99. Surprise your father by registering a “” ( domain name. … [Read more...] about Irish Registrar Suggests Alternate Father’s Day Gift
Some Considerations For New TLD Operators From A Registrar Perspective
The "hot topic" at the upcoming ICANN meeting in Singapore will, of course, be whether or not the new TLDs will actually launch or not. Sure, they'll launch at some point, but ICANN has been pushing to make the big announcement at Singapore. There has been a lot written over the last couple of years about new TLDs over the last couple of years. We are now coming into what … [Read more...] about Some Considerations For New TLD Operators From A Registrar Perspective
IEDR To Change WHOIS Service
The IEDR will be changing how their whois server "rate limits" queries starting June 20th.From June 20th onwards they will be using an approach similar to that adopted by Nominet.The number of queries per IP will remain unchanged at 100 per day for the public. … [Read more...] about IEDR To Change WHOIS Service
Kz Registry Wants Domains To Be In Country?
It looks like the .kz domain registry is taking rather odd steps to control their namespace.They're basically demanding that all .kz domains be hosted "in country"! At least that's my understanding of the text below - decide for yourself:We hereby notify you that, in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Order of the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of … [Read more...] about Kz Registry Wants Domains To Be In Country?
French Domain Registry AFNIC Breaks New Record
The French domain name registry, AFNIC, which manages .fr, the country code for France, announced earlier today that they had broken the 2 million domain name mark.Congrats! … [Read more...] about French Domain Registry AFNIC Breaks New Record
Big Changes Chez AFNIC
Image via WikipediaThe .fr domain name registry (AFNIC) will be making changes to its modus operandi in the coming months as a result of legislative changes in France.From July 1st 2011 AFNIC will be publishing a full list of the previous day's domain name registrations, while they are also making significant changes to how they handle domain name disputes. From 15 April their … [Read more...] about Big Changes Chez AFNIC
Nominet Pushing Forward With DNSSEC
Nominet, the registry operator for, is pushing forward with the deployment of DNSSEC. They plan to "go live" with DNSSEC in March 2011 with the signing of The more "public' aspect of it will be available from April 2011. More information in their monthly tech update … [Read more...] about Nominet Pushing Forward With DNSSEC
IE Domain Registry DNSSEC Task Force
Over the last couple of years DNSSEC has become one of "the" topics for registry operators and DNS people. The registry operator for .ie, the IEDR, has been working on their DNSSEC deployment plans for well over a year and earlier this morning opened up their "task force" to accredited registrars. They would also appear to be interested in getting input from other members of … [Read more...] about IE Domain Registry DNSSEC Task Force
IE Domain Registry Suffers WHOIS and website outage
The IEDR, which is the registry operator for the Irish ccTLD, has been having issues all morning today with its website, whois and backend. … [Read more...] about IE Domain Registry Suffers WHOIS and website outage
Verisign Accepted as Affiliate Member of LACTLD
Latin American and Caribbean Association of ccTLDs has accepted Verisign as an associate / affiliate member. … [Read more...] about Verisign Accepted as Affiliate Member of LACTLD