AFNIC, the registry for .fr, has published their annual domain industry report. A couple of highlights: .fr grew by 21% during 2009-2010 76% of French internet users expect companies to be using a .fr domain name … [Read more...] about AFNIC Publish Annual Domain Industry Report
SIDN Launch Site To Celebrate 25 Years of the .nl ccTLD
2010 was the 25 years of .com, a fact that Verisign used throughout the year. 2011 is the 25 years of .nl, the ccTLD for Holland and the Dutch registry, SIDN, is going to be celebrating as well. As part of this they've launched a special site (in Dutch only) that highlights some of the key dates and events in the 25 year history of .nl The site leverages social media and allows … [Read more...] about SIDN Launch Site To Celebrate 25 Years of the .nl ccTLD
IEDR Launch and Celebrate 150k Names Registered
Last Thursday evening the IEDR officially launched which has been setup as a neutral resource for potential registrants of .ie domain names. The event also saw the announcement of the 150 thousandth .ie domain name, which was Speaking at the event David Curtin, IEDR CEO, stated: “We’re delighted to have passed the 150,000th mark for .ie domain … [Read more...] about IEDR Launch and Celebrate 150k Names Registered
Nominet Registrar Conference To Be Held In Science Museum
Nominet's annual registrar conference takes place this November 4th in London's Science Museum. If nothing else the UK registry operator is good at picking memorable locations for its events. Last year they chose Lord's cricket ground and gave all attendees a cricket ball... More information on the event here … [Read more...] about Nominet Registrar Conference To Be Held In Science Museum
Italian Registry Ignores Its Partners
The Italian domain name registry issued a press release about hitting the 2 million domain mark.What's interesting about the release is that there is zero mention of the domain name registrars.So does the Italian registry think that the domains registered themselves? … [Read more...] about Italian Registry Ignores Its Partners
Italian ccTLD Registry Tops 2 Million Name Mark
In the last hour or so the .it registry topped the 2 million names registered mark. They hit the 1.5 million name mark in March 2008. … [Read more...] about Italian ccTLD Registry Tops 2 Million Name Mark
IEDR Release Annual Report
The IEDR, the operator of the .ie ccTLD registry, have released their annual report for 2009.The document, which obviously cost quite a bit to design, covers various aspects of the organisation's activities and is not limited to the domain registrations. In common with quite a few ccTLD operators IEDR is also involved in ENUM, though there has been little or no takeup for the … [Read more...] about IEDR Release Annual Report
IEDR Celebrates 10 Years
The Irish domain name registry operator (IEDR) is celebrating 10 years.In recent weeks the number of registered .ie domain names exceeded the 150 thousand name mark. … [Read more...] about IEDR Celebrates 10 Years
Norid Trying To Scare Prospective Registrants of domains?
Norid, the domain name registry for Norway (.no), has a page on their site about which is worth reading.While most of it is "normal" ie. is a domain and subdomains off it are being sold etc., etc., what is vaguely worrying is the last part of the page:The domain is on a "prohibited/reserved"-list (Appendix A in the domain name policy). This means that while … [Read more...] about Norid Trying To Scare Prospective Registrants of domains?
Belgian Registry Launch DNSSEC
The Belgian domain name registry,, has enabled DNSSEC starting today. DNSSEC uses cryptography to digitally sign DNS data to help avoid fraudulent attacks on users, such as cache poisoning and others. You can read more about the technology here … [Read more...] about Belgian Registry Launch DNSSEC