One of the more frustrating rules covering IE domains is that related to personal names. Under the current rules you can only register if you are a celebrity or trade under that name (there are workaounds, but they're not nice!).I've been nagging the IE Domain Registry about this policy for quite some time (see my rant here) and several months ago they started a … [Read more...] about IE Domain Registry Updates Policy on Personal Domains – Finally!
Spanish Registry To Introduce IDNs – Sunrise in October
The Spanish domain registry is introducing IDN domains later this yearIn order to facilitate holders of prior rights there will be a sunrise period during October.More information here For some bizarre reason there doesn't seem to be any news on the actual registry's site … [Read more...] about Spanish Registry To Introduce IDNs – Sunrise in October
Nominet Polling Registrars On Tools
Nominet is currently conducting a web based survey of its registrars to see what preference people have for web-based tools to manage their domains. … [Read more...] about Nominet Polling Registrars On Tools
Nominet Considering Dropping Mailing Lists in Favour of Forums
Nominet currently has a number of mailing lists which are open to members. Some of the lists are for announcements, others for technical matters and others for policy.In the last couple of days Nominet members and list members have been asked to express a preference for future communication, as some people it would seem are in favour of forums over mailing lists.Personally I … [Read more...] about Nominet Considering Dropping Mailing Lists in Favour of Forums
Web Based Tool For Nominet Registrars
As regulars here probably know I run an Irish hosting and domain registration company. We released a bit of software that might be of interest to Nominet registrars earlier this evening. NB: If you aren't a Nominet registrar it won't be of any interest / use to you … [Read more...] about Web Based Tool For Nominet Registrars
Secondary Market Frowned Upon by IE ccTLD
Whenever I meet up with colleagues in the domain industry from outside Ireland they are always amazed at the size of the IE namespace. While it's not the smallest ccTLD in the world, it is one of the smallest in Europe, especially when compared to its neighbours. Of course one of the many reasons for this is the policy. While the policy surrounding registrations has relaxed … [Read more...] about Secondary Market Frowned Upon by IE ccTLD
Afilias and GoDaddy Trying for .us
In an interesting move Afilias has joined forces with GoDaddy in a bid to manage the .us ccTLD. Frank has the full story … [Read more...] about Afilias and GoDaddy Trying for .us
A Semi-Useful Domain Management Tool – Domain Log Book
I came across Domain Log Book earlier this evening via a post on Pinstripe The concept is nice - keep track of your domains in terms of renewal dates and page rank, however it's not that helpful if you deal with ccTLDs. I added a couple of .com domains to it and it showed me the info from whois ie. expiration date and the page rank from both Google and Alexa. However when I … [Read more...] about A Semi-Useful Domain Management Tool – Domain Log Book
DNZoom Closed Beta
I mentioned DNZoom a few weeks ago and was hoping to be able to try it out. I've been invited to take part in the private beta with a handful of others. I've been playing around with the interface and the various functions while chatting to Dan Kimball, one of the driving forces behind the new service. Web 2.0 services have been over hyped in the last couple of years and a … [Read more...] about DNZoom Closed Beta
Centralnic Pushing .LA
Centralnic have just announced that .la domains are available to their resellers / registrars: As you may know, earlier this year CentralNic became the registry provider for .LA. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are now able to offer .LA to all accredited CentralNic resellers. .la is the ccTLD for Lao People's Democratic Republic, but it can also be marketed … [Read more...] about Centralnic Pushing .LA