I've been following the antics of EUBrowser for some time now, but I almost missed the Google domains! John, luckily, spotted that little move. I didn't spot the handover, as the domains were subject to a UDRP that was cancelled, so no decision was published. To date we've seen only a handful of their domains being moved back to the holders of the intellectual property that … [Read more...] about Google vs EUBrowser
IEDR Revising Policy on Personal IE Domains
The IE Domain Registry is currently revising the policy that governs the registration of personal domain names such as "johndoe.ie". I've covered the story in more depth on my main blog. … [Read more...] about IEDR Revising Policy on Personal IE Domains
AU Deregulation Bad?
One of the strongest selling points of a regulated ccTLD is security and peace of mind. What that translates into in practice is that there is a slightly higher degree of control over who gets to register domains. In Ireland, for example, the IEDR has been able to vaunt the IE ccTLD due to its positive results in a recent McAfee siteadvisor survey. The same study gave a very … [Read more...] about AU Deregulation Bad?
EUBrowser Lose Second UDRP Adidas.ie – The Floodgates may have opened
I mentioned only a couple of weeks ago the UDRP decision against EUBrowser (Gabor Varga and Jozsef Petho) for buy-sell.ie. In that first UDRP the complaint was lodged by a relatively small Irish company, whereas in this case the stakes were higher: Adidas AG and Adidas (Ireland) Limited v. Gabor Varga and Jozsef Petho Some references to other domains that the pair have … [Read more...] about EUBrowser Lose Second UDRP Adidas.ie – The Floodgates may have opened
EUBrowser Loses UDRP – buy-sell.ie
While browsing the WIPO archives I came across a decision that caught my attention: B & S Limited v. Gabor Varga and Jozsef Petho Although I'm subscribed to the daily newsletter I must have missed that one which was published back in January. Gabor Varga and Jozsef Petho have registered a very large number of IE domains over the past year or so and while some of them may be … [Read more...] about EUBrowser Loses UDRP – buy-sell.ie