Afnic, the French domain name registry, has launched a new video advertising campaign. The campaign is aimed at French SMEs and is 25 second 3D animation. Here it is: The script focusses on a few key points that should resonate with small business owners: Here's a rough translation of the script: Welcome to my domain! Uh, I'm not talking about this old … [Read more...] about French Domain Registry Launch New Video Ad Campaign
ICANN Chooses Istanbul for 2024 AGM
ICANN's 3rd meeting of 2024 will be held in Istanbul. Istanbul will be the host for the organisation's 3rd meeting of 2024, which is also its AGM. The other locations chosen for 2024 are: San Juan, Puerto Rico in March 2024 Kigali, Rwanda in June You can see the locations and dates for all past and upcoming meetings here. ICANN meetings are free to attend and … [Read more...] about ICANN Chooses Istanbul for 2024 AGM
French Registry Opens Consulations
Afnic, the .fr domain name registry, has opened two public consultations which are related to mitigating DNS abuse. Afnic is the domain registry for .fr, which is France’s country code top level domain (ccTLD). They also run the registry for several of Frances “overseas territories” (.re, .pm,, .wf and .yt). The consultations are covering two separate, yet related … [Read more...] about French Registry Opens Consulations
Registration for Nordic Domain Days 2024 Opens
While it might only be October 2023 several events next year have already opened registration. Among them is Nordic Domain Days. The 2024 event will be held on May 13th and May 14th 2024 in Stockholm. While a lot of the details of the 2024 event are not announced yet the event organisers have announced a number of changes for next year: The 2023 event had about 300 … [Read more...] about Registration for Nordic Domain Days 2024 Opens
ICANN Hamburg Schedule Published
The full schedule for the upcoming ICANN meeting in Hamburg has been published. ICANN's 3rd meeting of 2023 is being held later this month in the German city of Hamburg. As it's the 3rd and final meeting of the year it's also the organisation's AGM. While that might not sound exciting, and really isn't unless you are super bored, it does mean that it's the time of the … [Read more...] about ICANN Hamburg Schedule Published
Centralnic Rebrands
Centralnic is to rebrand. The company plans to switch its name to "Team Internet Group" this week. The name change will also impact how its shares are seen on the stock market with them being listed now under "TIG". (As I'm Irish I'm kind of amused that the new ticker means "house" in the Irish language) Team Internet, which includes Parking Crew, is a German company … [Read more...] about Centralnic Rebrands
Nominations Open for 2023 Rob Blokzijl Award
Nominations have opened for the 2023 Rob Blokzijl Award. The award, which will be presented during RIPE 87 in Rome this November, is run by the Rob Blokzijl Foundation. Who is the award for? According to the announcement they're looking for people who've "contributed" to the internet either locally or internationally. While a lot of these kind of awards tend to go to … [Read more...] about Nominations Open for 2023 Rob Blokzijl Award
IGF Kyoto Draft Schedule Published
The IGF is being held this year in Kyoto, Japan from October 8th to October 12th. This year's event is going to have a very busy schedule. The event organisers received nearly 400 workshop proposals, which is almost double the number from last year. The overarching theme for this year is "The Internet We Want - Empowering All People". So what will the actual … [Read more...] about IGF Kyoto Draft Schedule Published
Namescon 2024 Returns to Austin
Namescon, which has become probably the biggest domain event out there, has announced their 2024 dates and location. They'll be heading back to Austin, Texas again. This time the event is scheduled to take place from June 5th to June 8th, which is Wednesday until Saturday. Usually the event schedule runs Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, while the Saturday is set aside for … [Read more...] about Namescon 2024 Returns to Austin
What are People Using .me Domains for?
The .me ccTLD has been around since 2008 when the small Balkan country won the ISO jackpot, after gaining independence in 2006, and was given the .me extension to use as their country code. In common with a lot of other domain name registries .me has been looking at what is going on with their zone. Who is registering domains? Why? What are they using them … [Read more...] about What are People Using .me Domains for?