Lead Networks, who I mentioned a few weeks ago, have lost their ICANN accreditation.The ICANN announcement includes some of the details and ICANN are currently seeking expressions of interest from other registrars to take over the portfolio of domains (approximately 70 - 80 thousand names according to ICANN)According to ICANN Lead Networks was escrowing data, so the registrant … [Read more...] about Lead Networks Lose ICANN Accreditation
Last Call For Trademark (IRT) Comment Period For New TLDs
Today marks the last day for public comments on the IRT (trademark protection) final report. The report, which I've mentioned a few times in the past, was drafted from the perspective of trademark holders in an effort to allay their fears and concerns associated with the launch of the new TLD program.You can see the comments submitted to date here and read the report here.I've … [Read more...] about Last Call For Trademark (IRT) Comment Period For New TLDs
Rod Beckstrom Speech to ICANN
Rod Beckstrom Originally uploaded by blacknight Rod Beckstrom's was officially appointed as ICANN's new headman during the ICANN board meeting in Sydney, Australia. His speech, which he gave without notes, is hopefully an indicator of the man's thinking and bodes well for the future of ICANN. Here it is: ">>ROD BECKSTROM: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Paul, … [Read more...] about Rod Beckstrom Speech to ICANN
More gTLDs Spotted …
Stephane obviously has "eagle eyes" and mentions that Minds and Machines are pushing for a ".basketball"Dotbasketball is being supported by Shaquille O'NealMore details when they become available … [Read more...] about More gTLDs Spotted …
ICANN To Push New TLDs in 2010
I'm currently at the ICANN meeting in Sydney, but am running from one meeting to another all day, so I haven't been in any of the sessions. However, Stephane has and reports that ICANN are pushing for a February 2010 first application round. … [Read more...] about ICANN To Push New TLDs in 2010
Wolfgang Puck To Launch New Food TLD In Sydney
Celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck will be catering the .food launch event in Sydney on Tuesday night.A VIP event to celebrate the launch of .food (dotfood), which Puck is involved with will take place at a well known venue in downtown Sydney. The new TLD application will be presented in association with Minds and Machines.The ICANN meeting being held this week in Sydney will … [Read more...] about Wolfgang Puck To Launch New Food TLD In Sydney
gTLD Revolution Announces Pitch for 3 TLDs
GTLD Revolution, which is a new company founded by Dean Shannon (Deep Blue Sea / Fabulous), has today announced their plans to launch 3 new TLDs.The new venture, which has chosen AusRegistry as their backend provider, is planning on applying for at least three new TLDs when the application process opens up early next year.The new TLDs they've announced so far … [Read more...] about gTLD Revolution Announces Pitch for 3 TLDs
AusRegistry CEO To Open New TLD Session In Sydney
AusRegistry CEO, Adrian Kinderis, is set to open the session on new TLDs to be held during the ICANN meeting in Sydney next week.The session, which is being held on Monday afternoon from 1600 to 1800, in the Sydney Hilton, will cover many practical aspects of managing a domain registry and experts from a wide range variety of backgrounds will be there to share their … [Read more...] about AusRegistry CEO To Open New TLD Session In Sydney
ICANN Mobile Site Incorporates Social Media Tools
The ICANN mobile site for the Sydney meeting (due to open officially next Monday) should be a useful resource for anyone attending the meeting in Sydney.However the site has been expanded and now includes both photos (via Flickr) and tweets (from Twitter)If you're interested in following what's going on or want to share your content, then use the tags "icann" or "icann sydney" … [Read more...] about ICANN Mobile Site Incorporates Social Media Tools
New ICANN CEO To Attend Sydney Meeting?
Since ICANN announced that they would need a new CEO there has been quite a bit of speculation as to who would fill the role.CircleID has suggested that the new CEO could be Rod BeckstromAccording to a vaguely worded announcement published by ICANN today, the board is hoping to have the potential CEO attend the meeting in Sydney, though it's not clear either who the potential … [Read more...] about New ICANN CEO To Attend Sydney Meeting?