Tralliance, the registry operator for .travel, is seeking permission to offer both 1 and 2 character domain names and a public comment period has just opened.The .travel domain extension has had a bumpy ride over the last couple of years, but like other gTLD operators its latest pitch for the shorter names comes with some added twists. Tralliance will make available the cctld … [Read more...] about Tralliance (.travel) Wants To Offer 1 and 2 Character Domains
Lead Networks In Breach of ICANN Rules
Lead Networks, an Indian based registrar, has been sent a "notice of breach" by ICANN.The letter goes into details of how the registrar has failed to meet its requirements under the RAA and also its obligations under the UDRP.Seemingly Lead Networks' registrants have attracted no less than 61 separate UDRP proceedings and their lack of cooperation with WIPO led to a letter from … [Read more...] about Lead Networks In Breach of ICANN Rules
IRT Final Report Ignores End User Concerns
Image via WikipediaRemember the draft IRT report? Well they've published the final version after supposedly taking into consideration comments and feedback. However you'd be forgiven for thinking that their view on the feedback process was ever so slightly biased. Basically they seem to have taken on board any comments and feedback that supported their views and either ignored … [Read more...] about IRT Final Report Ignores End User Concerns
See You In Sydney?
ICANN Sydney is only a couple of weeks away...If you haven't organised flights, hotels and visas by now you'd want to get a move on!So who is attending?If anyone would like to meet up for a beer or coffee and a chat please let me know (either via the comments or email me directly. All my contact details are over hereRelated articles by Zemanta Blacknight Goes Down Under … [Read more...] about See You In Sydney?
ICANN 37 To Be Held In Kenya
ICANN's 37th public meeting, which is to be held from March 7th to March 13th 2010, is to take place in Kenya.Kenya had previously been slated to act as host for a meeting in 2008, but due to security concerns the slot was re-allocated. … [Read more...] about ICANN 37 To Be Held In Kenya
Air France Win WIPO Case
One of the more recently reported WIPO UDRP cases that caught my attention was in relation to airfrance-suck.comThe decision, which went against the registrant, makes for some interesting reading.The salient points being:The "suck" suffix can be a legitimate defenceA lot of "suck" or "sucks" related WIPO cases end up being ruled in favour of the trademark holderIf you're going … [Read more...] about Air France Win WIPO Case
Tucows Takes Over Parava’s Domains
Tucows is taking over the 33 thousand odd domains that were under the accreditation of Parava.The full announcement of the transfer on the ICANN site includes contact details and more. Unfortunately the deaccredited registrar did not transfer billing data, so registrants will need to contact Tucows (under their brand) to renew their domains.More information on the … [Read more...] about Tucows Takes Over Parava’s Domains
IRT Draft Report Comments Phase 1 Closes Today
If you want your comments to be considered in the final IRT report then you need to get them in today.More details here and previously submitted comments here … [Read more...] about IRT Draft Report Comments Phase 1 Closes Today
New TLDs Need Sanity
The much vaunted launch of the new TLDs as announced at the ICANN Paris meeting last year is probably a bit of a damp squid in many respects.Don't expect to see any actual progress there until next year at the earliest.In the meantime you can read all about the plans people have for launching their "solutions".The problem with some of the proposed "solutions" is simply that … [Read more...] about New TLDs Need Sanity
EU Calling For Independent ICANN
As yesterday was a holiday in Ireland I didn't get a chance to mention this ... Yesterday morning Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner for Information Society and Media, posted a video calling on ICANN to decouple itself from the US. You can see the full video here or download the text of the message (PDF). Further coverage on CircleID … [Read more...] about EU Calling For Independent ICANN