A couple of months ago I posted about domain name front running. I'd been at a meeting during ICANN's LA meeting and had also read Jay Daley's paper on the subject.At the time I was unconvinced as to the existence of front running as a practice.In light of the revelations that have come to light in the last couple of days I may have to modify my previous views.What's … [Read more...] about Netsol Take Evil To A New Level
ICANN Delhi Meeting – Rich People Only Please
ICANN's next meeting is being held in New Delhi.ICANN meetings are supposedly free and accessible to the public.So how come the hotels they're suggesting cost about US$400 / night?Most delegates would be attending for most of the week, so the cost of the hotel bed ONLY would be in excess of US$2400. You still have to factor in food and transport ie. getting a plane from … [Read more...] about ICANN Delhi Meeting – Rich People Only Please
ICANN Blog en francais
In a multi-lingual and multicultural internet society it's nice to see that the ICANN blog is publishing content in languages other than English.Prior to the meeting in San Juan there were a number of posts in Spanish and now there is French.While this move should be welcomed the US-centric aspects of the organisation should not be ignored. … [Read more...] about ICANN Blog en francais
New ICANN Chair Encourages Participation
ICANN's new chairman, Peter Dengate Thrush, has been urging more public participation in ICANN.Speaking at the Internet Governance Forum in Rio, Mr Dengate Thrush told attendees that "the door is open".In common with a lot of big organisations ICANN has been trying in recent months to get more public involvement, with Kieren McCarthy doing stellar work on the communications … [Read more...] about New ICANN Chair Encourages Participation
ICANN – Data Escrow Implementation
I've mentioned some of the concerns that have been raised in the ICANN community over the past year.One of the areas that was of particular concern in the aftermath of the RegisterFly meltdown was registrant data. In simple terms, if a registrar fails there could be a serious issue gaining access to the information linking registrants to their domain names. For some registries … [Read more...] about ICANN – Data Escrow Implementation
Domain Management White Paper
Businesses may rely on domain names to conduct their day to day work, but that does not mean that they really understand what they are using or how important they are.Of course those of us in industry may feel tempted to either scoff at people's naivety or feel terribly frustrated with their ignorance, however neither action is particularly productive.Loic Damilaville, however, … [Read more...] about Domain Management White Paper
ICANN Paris Venue Confirmed
According to DomainesInfo the venue for the ICANN meeting in Paris has been confirmed.They're saying that the meeting will take place in the Méridien Montparnasse. Hopefully there will be an ICANN rate announced soon, as the pricing I'm seeing for that period is rather expensive! … [Read more...] about ICANN Paris Venue Confirmed
ICANN Going Multilingual?
On registering at the ICANN LA meeting all delegates are presented with a bag and tshirt.This time round the tshirt is black and reflects what seems to be a possible theme for this meeting - multilingualism.One of the issues that ICANN has been making efforts to address over the past few months is multilingualism. This meeting is meant to be having a number of sessions with … [Read more...] about ICANN Going Multilingual?
ICANN LA Gearing Up
Delegates from the four corners of the globe are converging on the Hilton LAX for the ICANN meeting. Although the meeting does not officially start until Monday morning there are several meetings scheduled for today. … [Read more...] about ICANN LA Gearing Up
The Downside To UltraCheap Registrars
Some domain registrars only USP (unique selling point) is price. I've mentioned the issues with DirectI's pricing structures in the past. With the price increase this week I was more or less expecting there to be some kind of backlash, but I wasn't expecting this:All the Pending gTLD Transfer Orders (i.e. orders that haven't yet been executed) throughout your Reseller Chain … [Read more...] about The Downside To UltraCheap Registrars